Monday, January 28, 2013

Introduction to an Alpha Male

My name is Ammad Mohammed Shaikh, legally it's Shaikh Mohammed Ammad because of Pakistani traditions or a very cruel joke on my parents part, if so kudos to them. As far as it goes for being tech savvy I like to say that I am but in all honesty my knowledge only goes as far as Google can take me. I'm no programming genius or hacker like Anonymous but I do hope to become one soon ( the programmer part, hacking would be a plus too ). Now this blog is intended for school use only, but who knows maybe it could blossom to something more, but in the mean time I'll mainly be discussing current technology and such. Keep in mind that what I post is simply a watered down hurr durr version of what I am trying to explain and few sarcastic comments and opinions of my own. So hopefully my audience (the very few that may be reading) will actually enjoy my thoughts on todays tech market's products and if possible I would sincerely appreciate any and all feedback negative or positive.

Microsoft vs. Google

When you hear you hear the name "Google" you know you're talking about a multi million or even billion dollar company, but is Google trying to bite off more than they can chew? (Pretending that the G1 Phone didn't happen) Google has been for some years now trying to get their name into the computer biz with their sleek and extremely affordable "Chromebooks" and they have set their target at Microsoft. Trying to pry away Microsoft customers away from Windows isn't an easy task regardless of how big of a fail Windows 8 seems to be going, but is having a big name and cheap price worth the investment? To put it bluntly no, but that's up to a certain extent. If you're looking into buying a computer for your 12 year old only then would I actually recommend buying a Chromebook, why? Because the Chromebook, for those who don't know, is basically tethered to internet without it it renders useless aside from the few apps that can run offline so for the 12 year olds it's perfect because let's be honest todays younger generations are stuck on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram etc. The Chromebook cannot run any program with an installer meaning no iTunes, Word, Photoshop etc. You're limited to only the apps that are available on the Google app store which everyone can access through the Chrome browser. Unless Google were to try and remake their Chrome OS and actually allow installer programs to run on their systems I do not see the Chromebook thriving or even lasting in this market today. If your business strictly lives off the internet then you have just been given an amazing gift from the tech gods for the cheap price of only $250.