Monday, February 11, 2013

Networks and Communications

Where would you be without your phone? How would you communicate? No texting, skyping, facetiming, snap chatting etc. We as a society have become reliant on communicating through the web, regardless of what application we use to do it. It's not a bad thing at all really, but where is the line of going too far? When does it all become a bit 'excessive'? Some people would say we have gone too far, I would have to agree. I don't want to check in here or there and let the world know I stopped by a Shell to fill up gas, I don't care to know the little details of your day so why bother you with mine, it's like Facebook is a stage 5 clinger girlfriend who has no sense of personal space. It all ties into todays way of communicating and networking your phone is constantly going off with notifications of emails, likes, comments, follows, whatever social site that you may use and some people end up getting so involved they end up ignoring whats actually going on around them. In some cases you might text so much that you end up falling into a fountain in a mall then try to sue the mall over your own stupidity.

But the good heavily outweighs the bad, communicating is now easier than ever and its even become fun, ChatRoulette was pretty fun where people all over the world met and just talked before it become a cess pool of perverts. It helps companies grow and prosper alot easier and it helps us keep in touch without such a heavy commitment. I myself actually managed to diagnose a fault with my TV using Google, order the part for a discounted price on Amazon and install it with an instructional video from YouTube. I really don't think I need to explain this part just shut up and think about who would you have talked to today if you had no phone or internet and then compare. Technology is an amazing thing and we are all very lucky to be living in a time where everything is just a click away but we all sometimes just need to take a break.


  1. I use the phone all the time.I konw there are many people can not live without the phone.

  2. phones have become a necessity in our lives that we feel something missing if we spend a day without one.
